A little seed gleans the universe…

The little seed, becomes the springboard to reach the deepest level of reality… in order to glean its universal meaning.
— Sofia Cavalletti

 Our inspirations, urgings from the Holy One, begin as tiny seeds in dry ground.

  •  I began thinking about launching my business in a new, more intensional way…many, many, years ago.

Tiny seeds must take root by being held in the dry dark earth for a very long time.

  • I questioned, “Do I have the skill and talent? Will I succeed? Do I know enough about business or spirituality? Do have the confidence to launch?” 

Once water finally reaches the seed, the seed’s hard outer coating wears down, absorbs the water, and life is released.

  •  Mysterious gifts emerged, synchronous events revealed a confident truth, fears were miraculously soothed, and the seemingly impossible began its steady growth.  

New life is released into the universe.

  •  At times I have no words and at others I sit in awe of how this new life is emerging. I can only say with certainty that new life has been released, and for now, in this moment, it is enough.

 What is your tiny seed waiting to be released into the universe? 


The slow reveal of things hidden…