
Spiritual Directors

Spiritual direction is, “help given by one believer to another that enables the latter to pay attention to God’s personal communication to him or her, to respond to this personally communicating God, to grow in intimacy with this God, and to live out the consequences of the relationship.”

The Practice of Spiritual Direction by William A. Barry and William J. Connolly


In union with Spiritual Directors International’s Guidelines for Ethical Conduct, those offering spiritual guidance must receive regular supervision.

From my perspective, to enter supervision is to enter into a powerful long-lasting collaboration that involves sifting through your ministry relationships with an eye towards the spiritual health and wellbeing of those you serve. In any given session, I will work with you by exploring your inner movements, teaching you new skills and perspectives, and by answering your consultative questions.


Mentoring is a relationship between two spiritual directors or pastoral ministers in which the more experienced practitioner offers wisdom and encouragement to the less experienced practitioner. The mentoring relationship is often long-term and is oriented towards enhancing the skills and understanding of the mentee. Together we will determine your needs and develop a growth plan complete with short-term and long-term goals.

With theological reflection as a primary tool, I will invite you to build your skills through an experiential approach. By exploring your own style, gifts, voice, and experiences of God, I will help you gain awareness, name, and then realize professional growth.


Consultation sessions are scheduled on a as needed basis. They are normally one or two session encounters where the spiritual guide brings a particularly challenging or confusing session or situation to the conversation. Similar to mentoring, consultation invites you to explore the techniques and skills you are using as a spiritual director or minister, all for the purpose of gaining clarity and discerning a way forward.

I will be calling upon your inner wisdom so that you can discern the sacred invitation you face with those you serve.


The unfolding of your words gives light...

— Psalm 119:130a

I welcome a conversation.