
Personal Transformation

Spiritual Direction

As a spiritual director, Autumn invites you to explore your experiences by slowing down, turning inward, reflecting silently, and taking in emotions and bodily sensations. She does all of this in a spirit of prayer and recognition that the Spirit is awaiting your awakening, guiding you towards a fullness of life and an all-embracing peace.

Life Coaching

In coaching, Autumn welcomes you into a thought-provoking and creative process. The purpose is to explore your desires and develop the skills and perspective you needed to realize your dreams. Partnering with Autumn entails focusing on the many small steps that lead to radical and lasting change. Throughout this process, Autumn offers you the gift of accountability and a variety of ways to cultivate the warm blanket of self-love.

“Compassion is the means to
becoming most deeply human.”

— Frank Rogers, Jr.

Spiritual Direction FAQs

Why would I choose spiritual direction?

Spiritual Direction is about discovering how God is moving in the joyful, crazy, difficult, and amazing experiences of your everyday life.

How often do I meet for spiritual direction?

Spiritual direction is normally a monthly commitment. When it works well, it can develop into a long-term sacred relationship focused on exploring the events of life in the light of the God’s love.

What are the fruits of a long-term spiritual direction relationship?

  • Greater authenticity, meaning, and purpose

  • More hope, generosity, and serenity

  • A greater acceptance of others and a readier spirit of forgiveness


Coaching FAQs

Why would I choose coaching?

Coaching is a good choice when someone is looking to eliminate the gap between what they desire for their life and where they are at currently .

How long does a coaching relationship last?

The relationship is normally short-term, often six to twelve weeks. When your goals are met the relationship ends or pauses until new life longings emerge.

What are the benefits of coaching?

  • Seeing new possibilities with old challenges

  • Growing in self-awareness and agency

  • Moving towards meaningful and long-lasting change

I welcome a conversation.