The slow reveal of things hidden…

illume—To lighten up or illuminate

Spiral—An ancient symbol that signifies the slow reveal of things hidden

  • The image of a glowing spiral came to me in a time of deep inner reflection and prayer. I had decided I would finally do it, I would rebrand and launch my business in a new way.

  • I knew that the next steps involved surrender and trust. I had to surrender my fears and trust the invitation I was sensing.

  • I made the decision to “spiral deeper” and felt determined I would contemplatively wait—to allow the way forward to slowly reveal itself.

  • For the first time in my life, I desired to be drawn rather than to be driven (Quite an accomplishment for an Enneagram 8).

  • I am now doing it. I have launched this website and if you are reading these words you have found me and I hope know more about Autumn Domingue Spiritual Direction &Coaching and illume Courses.

  • What’s next, you ask? I imagine more contemplative waiting and the slow reveal of things hidden. Will my private practice gain traction or will it be my my courses? In the words of one of my favorite theologians Pierre Teilhard De Chardin, I will accept the feeling of being “ in suspense and incomplete.”

Where are you being drawn rather than being driven?


Life forces…


A little seed gleans the universe…