The Enneagram: Discovering the Buried Treasure Within



All individuals flourish when they can liberate themselves from the confines of their personality patterns. This course on the Enneagram will help participants identify the patterns that hold them back from uncovering the essence of God buried within. By understanding the Nine Enneagram personality types, participants will be able to explore their own unique path to spiritual growth. This virtual course will be taught from a Christian perspective and is designed for all spiritual seekers who desire a deeper union with God through self-awareness and reflection.


Using the Enneagram as a tool for self-discovery, participants will be invited to a fresh integration of self-awareness with contemplative practice. Participants will learn how the Enneagram can serve as an aid to expand compassion and empathy toward oneself and toward others. The sessions will be on Zoom and will be two and a half hours in length, running from 6:00-8:30 CT. These sessions will involve content presentation, group discussion, and integration activities. All participants are asked to purchase the book The Enneagram Guide to Waking Up by Beatrice Chestnut and Uranio Paes. It is available on Amazon for $14.69. Those who have not already completed the RHETI Test will be asked to do so prior to starting the course.

Course Dates:

  • Session 1: June  7, 2022: Enneagram Personality Types & Three Centers of Intelligence

  • Session 2: June 14, 2022: Instincts & Subtypes Which Drive the Passions

  • Session 3: June 21, 2022: Wings & Arrows for Type Growth

  • Session 4: June 28, 2022:  Working With Type Structure to Manifest Virtue


Cost: $260.00 (some partial scholarships available)



Autumn Domingue is the founder of Autumn Domingue: Spiritual Direction and Coaching, a contemplative private practice devoted to the arts of spiritual direction, life coaching, supervision, formation, and mentoring. Autumn is passionate about helping others discover their spiritual essence and the ways it is woven through relationships, work, and ministry. She holds a Master of Arts in Pastoral Studies as well as certificates in Spiritual Direction and the Supervision of Spiritual Directors. Autumn serves on the spiritual direction formation team at Aquinas Institute of Theology. Autumn lives in Hunt, Texas with her husband David, and their youngest son Luke, and the many boys and young people that work and attend the summer camp where they reside.

Bonnie Caruso received certification as an Enneagram Teacher from the Palmer-Daniels Professional Teaching Program in 2006 and received advanced certification in 2007. She holds a Master of Religious Education from the University of St. Thomas in Houston, Texas. Currently, Bonnie is an active spiritual director, supervisor for spiritual directors, retreat leader, and conducts workshops and one-on-one sessions using the Enneagram as a tool for self-discovery and deeper self-insight. She serves on the team of St. Peter Upon the Water Center for Spiritual Direction and is the supervision coordinator for the formation program. Bonnie lives with her husband in Boerne, Texas, and is a member of St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church.


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